Legal Services


Whether it’s been a long time coming or you were just served papers, my Nine Steps to Divorce in California* makes it manageable.


If you need to reduce, increase or terminate spousal support, don’t put it off. It can get costly if you wait.  Get the legal advice you need today.


Your kids are a part of your heart. Every situation calls for a unique custody plan. Let me talk you through the available options.


Traditional representation prevents you from doing parts of your case yourself. Save money, have input and gain choices with limited scope representation.


Whether you pay or receive  support, every dollar matters. Run support calculations, negotiate a number or get help with court.


Need a lawyer’s help on a budget? I provide one-time legal consulting services by the hour via Zoom. Options from 1 to 3 hours. 

Has the divorce hit you like a ton of bricks or are you courageously leaving after trying everything to make it work? Being a spouse is part of your identity. Are you struggling like I did with what your future looks like without your partner in it? 

Regardless of who initiates it, a divorce signifies the death of a relationship. There is grieving, bargaining, anger, and sadness. At first you will worry for your kids (yes, even if they are grown) and struggle to get through the day. So many decisions loom. And then there’s the money piece that can be fraught with unknowns. Is your stomach doing flip-flops just thinking about it?  

I get it. I was where you are now once. It will get better. As someone who has been through it, on the other side is a life “do-over”. A chance to rise from the ashes like the phoenix. I can help you make this part of your past so you can get to this happier future you! 

I take a fresh approach. I break divorce down into 9 steps. We work together one step at a time. You can hire me for one step or continue through all 9.  This allows you to spread the cost over time and avoid getting overwhelmed. You can even do a step yourself to save money (with or without my coaching), something you can’t do with old-fashioned traditional representation. I will tell you how to target a limited budget to the areas where you need a lawyer’s help the most (hint: it’s probably not the places you think).

Download “Nine Steps to Divorce in California*”.



Do you worry about the other parent’s ability to care for the kids alone? Is Family Court Services Mediation coming up? Can’t agree on a schedule or do you have one and want to make it official? 

  • Get custody orders from the court

  • Negotiate the details of a parenting plan

  • Ensure you can spend time with your kids  

  • Prepare yourself for Family Court Services Mediation

  • Be ready for court

Do you have a special needs child like I do? If your child has a diagnosis, an IEP, has anxiety or sees a therapist, you want an attorney who takes this seriously and knows how to address this in the courts. During my first semester of law school my eldest daughter was diagnosed with juvenile onset diabetes, type 1. She needed multiple shots a day, a special diet and night-time monitoring. My life experience has given me a special understanding of the issues parents face with custody when they have a child with chronic illness or special needs.  It matters which attorney you hire.


It might be time to revisit child support if it’s been awhile since the orders were made, or there has been a change in the custody arrangement or income of either parent.

Call me to get an idea of your options. It doesn’t mean you are committed to going back to court.  Many parents procrastinate about making changes to child support out of the fear of kicking the hornet’s nest. Let’s talk. I can run the numbers, help you weigh your options, negotiate a deal or take it to court for resolution. 


Paying too much or not receiving enough spousal support? 

  • Have you been served papers to change spousal support? Then the familiar pit in your stomach is probably back. Especially if you depend on spousal support each month to make ends meet. Revisiting spousal support can feel like a threat to your very security.

  • Are you paying too much in spousal support and stressing over how to pay your own bills next month?  If you are the one paying spousal support and it’s got you in knots with the burden, call me today to find out what to do. 

Waiting and putting off legal advice on spousal support costs you money. Whether you pay or receive the support I can discuss your spousal support numbers, explain your legal options, help you file the strongest paperwork possible or negotiate an agreement.


The demand for limited scope or à la carte legal services, also known as unbundled legal services, is exploding in America. Lawyers are expensive. The traditional way was to hire an attorney to do everything in your case. This is not within everyone’s budget and leaves you without input or control. Limited scope services allow you to maintain control of your case and to hire a lawyer for just the parts you need. 

Call me to find out if it will work for you and your specific legal situation.  During the call I can advise you how to target a limited budget to the areas where you need a lawyer’s help the most (hint: it’s probably not the places you think).


A one-time legal advice session over Zoom may be a good fit for you if:

  • You have court coming up and want some coaching.

  • You want to know if you really need to go back to court to adjust spousal or child support.

  • Money is tight but you still want a lawyer’s advice.

  • You are contemplating a divorce and are doing your research – but discreetly.

I provide 1, 2 or 3-hour virtual consultation sessions over Zoom. Within the selected timeframe, I can review the relevant documents in your case and then provide you with answers to your most pressing questions, all from the comfort and privacy of your own home or car. Book a free 15-minute phone consultation to find out if a Zoom session is a good fit for your needs.

Have you been served court papers? There are deadlines you cannot miss.

Call me today to get more information.

Choose a compassionate lawyer for your divorce or custody journey.